This section is intended for the Kopernik Society “Building & Grounds Committee” along with Delta Engineering Corporation regarding the footprint of the RORO and the ground excavation necessary prior to any of the actual pier(s) or building construction.
CAUTION #1: the concrete base for each of the 4-piers must be poured after the dirt is excavated & levelled and before the RORO concrete floor is poured. See Section VII and Section VIII for details.
CAUTION #2: the “thick wall” PVC tubing for all of the pier electrical wiring must be buried after the pier concrete bases have been setup and before the concrete floor is poured. See Section VIII for details.
CAUTION #3: a safety fence surrounding the entire excavation site is required as classes and youth activities will continue throughout the construction period.
1. Excavate & level the dirt;
2. Build the 4-pier concrete bases;
3. Construct the drainage and retaining walls;
4. Bury the PVC tubing;
5. Construct the bases for the roll-off roof supporting structure;
6. 1. Finally, pour the concrete floor and the ingress / egress ramps all with a non-slip surface such as a “broomed” finish.
• The general 32’ x 24’ area to be excavated has been outlined by the KAS with red stakes and yellow twine. The permanent concrete pier bases are to be located at the orange “Home Depot” buckets; specific pier layout measurements are included in Section VIII. The roll-off roof supporting structure has been outlined with white stakes and extends into the scrub trees.
• The excavated area will be somewhat larger than the 32’ x 24’ building to accommodate drainage and retaining walls. Actual excavated dimensions are TBD by Delta Engineering. The excess material removed should be moved across the road to the property owned by Kopernik.
• The excavated area will be adjacent to the walking path. REPEAT – handicap accessibility by wheel-chair from the walking path into the RORO must be maintained. Thus, the excavated area must be “close to level” with the walking path.
• The footprint of the RORO includes ground with a significant slope. Retaining walls will be necessary for the north, east, and west-facing walls. The south-facing wall will be level with the existing walking path. The north-facing retaining wall will be the deepest and will be 3-foot or more in depth. For the overall “dig depth” considerable dirt must be excavated. Certainly, back-hoe and dump truck access to the RORO site must be planned.
• Drainage around the building, and footers for the actual walls of the RORO, are required. These items could be constructed at the same time that the 4-pier concrete bases are built and before the “thick wall” PVC tubing is buried. Likewise, the concrete bases for the roll-off roof supporting structure could also be constructed at this time frame.
• The poured concrete floor is anticipated to be 4” to 6” deep along with steel mesh reinforcement. Special consideration should be given to the ingress and egress walkways for continuous movement of large crowds at noteworthy astro events such as eclipses, conjunctions, etc.
• The finished RORO floor should be finished with a non-slip surface such as a “broomed” finish.
• To further aid in handicap accessibility, an additional paved wheelchair path from the alleyway between the main KOSC lobby and the domes lobby should be included in the general excavation for the RORO.