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Kopernik Astronomical Society’s (KAS)

The Kopernik Astronomical Society’s (KAS) mission is to provide the Binghamton, NY area with resources for those who are interested in astronomy, space, and science collaboration. This is accomplished by providing support for the Kopernik Observatory and Science Center through volunteerism, hosting public outreach events, education programs, and by sharing experiences and information to anyone who might have an astro question.

The KAS is always interested in getting new members of all levels of background and interest in astronomy! We believe in letting members pursue their interest in astronomy at whatever level they would like. We have members who are “theory people”, “just star gazers”, “shutter bugs” or “dedicated observational astronomers”.

Perhaps the unique thing about the KAS relative to other astronomy clubs is our interest in supporting the educational programs at the Kopernik Observatory & Science Center (KOSC). As such, visitors will often find KAS volunteers helping at Kopernik programs, or even running the program completely. Astronomy beginners are especially encouraged to join our ranks. In addition to outreach, the KAS embarks on adventures for astronomical observations through field trips to dark sky parks, conferences, star parties, as well as observation sessions at Kopernik Observatory.
